
1607 LotB - Byalee Briar 2 x service fees

July 2016 auction

Standing at Byalee Stables, Nulkaba, NSW
Palomino stallion, 17.2 hh, 2004

AOS goes to great lengths to ensure that we have the stallions with the best Grand Prix genetics in the world - this is one of them, and Byalee Briar is the only stallion in Australia by Bjorsells Briar 899 who is shaping up to be competitive and startlingly spectacular. Briar has had a quiet beginning to his career, but Ann-Maree has never given up on her vision and his schooling is now allowing those genetics and underlying talents to come to fruition. Briar is showing signs of realising his promise and is responding positively to schooling in piaffe, passage, tempi changes and pirouettes. He is now finding new gears that make him very exciting! And – he is the sire of the Auction of the Stars’ record-setting sale, Byalee Breathless for $72,600 just in December. Unbroken youngstock sell for up to $16,500 on farm. Briar is completely focused on a pathway to Grand Prix, but having said that, the information we are getting is that he is also throwing serious jumping talent. Bjorsells Briar 899 (elite-listed stallion) was for seven years the world’s number one dressage breeding stallion. However, he actually scored higher for jumping than dressage at his stallion testing, as did Briar’s dam sire, Bernstein, another elite-listed Swedish warmblood. Briar has an advanced level qualifying average of more than 65% and we look forward to even better to come. Briar is renowned for his amazingly calm temperament and buyers are enthusiastic about his youngstock, which inherit his statuesque conformation and athletic ability. Live cover only.

Bjorsells Briar 899
Bristol Cream


Service fee: $2200 including GST 

Contact Ann-Maree Lourey 0407 453 494 or


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